How to Prune Jade Plants in 7 Easy Steps

Jade plants, or Crassula ovata, are popular indoor succulents that can live for years with careful care. Their shape, growth, and health depend on pruning. Prune your jade plant with these seven simple steps.  

Get sharp pruning shears or scissors, rubbing alcohol or disinfectant, and gloves (optional). Use rubbing alcohol to clean instruments to prevent disease and pests.  

Prepare the Tools 


Check your jade plant from all angles to see which portions require pruning. Trim leggy growth, dead or damaged leaves, and overcrowded branches.  

Assess the Plant 


Determine where to cut. Cut right above a leaf node(where leaves join the stem). This promotes node growth and plant form.  

Choose Where to Cut 


Remove dead, yellowing, or damaged leaves and stems first. Cutting them close to the base lets the plant focus on healthy growth.  

Start with Dead or Damaged Parts 


Trim longer stems to retain form and size. Trim lengthy or untidy branches to just above a leaf node. Do not remove more than 20-30% of the plant at once to avoid shock.  

Trim for Shape and Size 


Cut back long, straight stems to promote bushier growth. This will encourage new branches from the cut places, making the plant fuller.  

Encourage Branching


Water sparingly and set the jade plant in bright, indirect sunshine after pruning. Check for new growth and stress symptoms like wilting or leaf drop. Adjust lighting and watering.

Monitor and Care for the Plant


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